Categories: Webinars


Andy Cagle


The COVID-19 outbreak has caused unparalleled disruption to financial markets and businesses throughout the world. In order to survive, businesses are looking to reduce expenses and improve resiliency while navigating tighter access to credit.

During this uncertain time, it is more important than ever, as a financial professional, to analyze your clients’ financial health, improve business resiliency, and understand what financing options are available to them.

To help, the financial and risk experts at LSQ hosted a webinar sharing their thoughts on the current credit environment and what businesses can do to improve their staying power. Here’s what was covered:

Tips for Surviving the Economic Downturn as a B2B

  1. What the Cash Conversion Cycle is and how to optimize it to improve cash flow
  2. How to assess customer credit profiles and counter-party risk
  3. Red flags to watch for with predatory lenders
  4. What financial solutions are available

Watch the Full Webinar Here:

COVID-19 Webinar: How to Navigate the Current Economic Environment

Featured Speakers:
Dan Ambrico, Chief Executive Officer
Richard Lee, Chief Risk Officer

About LSQ
LSQ helps businesses better manage their cash flow to make the most of whatever they’ve earned. Offering invoice financing and supply chain finance solutions, LSQ provides clients with a simple, secure, and honest funding experience. LSQ blends human insights with the analytical power of technology to develop products that give customers the means to accelerate the flow of business. LSQ, headquartered in Orlando, Florida, has helped 1,000s of companies access $25 billion in its 20+ years in business. Learn more about our solutions at


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