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Andy Cagle


Thirteen-year LSQ veteran has been able to show his versatility and drive his passion for helping minority-owned small businesses meet their working capital needs at LSQ. 

If you show up at an event that Mike Dillon is DJing there is a good chance you are going to hear quite the range of music.

“For the last six years, I’ve played for a soccer league in Orlando,” Mike, a graduate of Seminole State University, said. “I used to spin strictly Miami bass, but now I can go from Elton John to Jay-Z and don’t miss a beat. I can just play anything and move any crowd. No matter who you are, what you like, I’m going to move you.”

A Passion for Supporting Small Businesses

That same versatility and range has also been reflected in Mike’s nearly 13-year career at LSQ. He started in the accounts receivable collections department before quickly moving to account manager and then senior account manager. When LSQ started a small-business sector, Mike became one of two employees managing a 250-client portfolio.

Mike Dillon loves working at LSQFrom there, he went to work with the client engagement team, interfacing with clients daily to ensure they were receiving the most out of their LSQ partnership.

In 2020, he moved into his current role as a supply chain finance working capital specialist. 

“In my role now, I get to draw on all that experience across LSQ to help companies meet their working capital needs,” said Mike. “It’s very fulfilling to be able to help a diverse array of traditionally under-banked enterprises – including those owned by people of color, veterans, women, disabled persons, and members of the LGBTQ community – grow their businesses.”

A Cultural Fit

In addition to his passion of helping small businesses, Mike credits the LSQ culture and family-like environment for his longevity with the company.

“What it boils down to is that it’s not like you’re treated as a number like in most corporates, “he said. “You’re really treated as a person, and to me that by far has been the reason I’ve been here so long.”

Ownership of his work has been another important factor in keeping Mike at LSQ for more than a decade.

“We’re all in a position where we know what needs to be done,” Mike said. “So we get it done as a team and knock it out. I’m not one to sit there and wait for someone to say, ‘hey, do this.’ LSQ has always been great about that. 

“You can create your own destiny here.”


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