Categories: Blog


Andy Cagle


Billing customers can at times be frustrating — if not troublesome — especially if there’s a discrepancy on the receiving end. Given the number of invoices that flow through LSQ, we understand that mistakes are inevitable.

To ensure a seamless funding experience, always make sure that invoices uploaded to LSQ include the following five elements:

Transaction Numbers

  • Any identifying sequence related to your company’s transaction.
  • This includes invoice numbers, order numbers, purchase order numbers, tracking information, and contract numbers.

Buyer & Seller Information

  • Identifies the two parties (Buyer and Seller) involved in your transaction.
  • This includes the Buyer’s name and bill/ship-to address and contact plus the Seller’s name and address and contact.


  • Any relevant or time-sensitive dates connected to your transaction.
  • This includes the billing date, date of the transaction, due date, and negotiated terms of payment.

Description of the Total

  • Any information regarding the sale of products or services, by quantity and unit price.
  • This includes itemized descriptions, billing rates, discounts, taxes, and the net total.

Remittance Language

  • Detailed instructions for the customer to follow when making a payment for your transaction.
  • This includes: how to make check payments, ACH & wire transfer payments, and LSQ’s remittance memorandum, i.e., “This account is assigned to & payable only to… Payments should be sent to them at PO box address or Bank Account and ABA/Routing numbers.”

We hope you find the above helpful and stay tuned for more tips! In the meantime, if you’d like to know how our upload process works, visit LSQ for more information.


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