LSQ Accounts Payable Analysis
Free AP Spend Analysis
Get a personalized accounts payable analysis to optimize working capital, reduce costs and strengthen your entire supply chain.
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Better Understand the Possibilities
When supply chain finance providers talk about working capital improvements, they often struggle to tell you exactly what it means in terms of real dollars and increased cash flow.
But not with LSQ.
With a complementary, no-obligation AP spend analysis, we examine your data to show you exactly how much liquidity you can free up through an LSQ supply chain finance program.

The Data That Matters
To help you better understand where your working capital opportunities exist, our experienced data team evaluates dimensions of your AP spend, including:
Payment terms
- Fragmentation
- Spend by specific terms
- Discounts
Spend by payment type
Top suppliers
Supplier concentration
Your Personalized Recommendations
By examining your AP data, LSQ makes recommendations about new accounts payable practices, like the standardization of terms to be more in line with industry benchmarks, that can improve your liquidity and save you money. The data is also useful in identifying vulnerabilities in your supply chain based on seasonality, location, or supplier concentration. LSQ also uses the data to help you understand which of your sellers could benefit the most from an early-payment program and, therefore, be more likely to adopt.